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2 AFX Stock Cars HO Scale Slot Cars on the model track
Red and black AFX Stock Car HO Scale Slot Cars
Blue and white AFX Stock Car HO Scale Slot Cars

AFX Stock Cars 2-Pack HO Scale Slot Cars

SKU : AFX22041
About This Item

Double or nothing, this two pack doesn’t just chop the price down, it brings the value up with the new Mega G+ chassis.

Mega G+ Chassis

This new Mega G+ chassis doesn't just go faster or handle better than the competition. And it doesn't just have the ultra-low, narrow dimensions of the original Mega G to continue the reign of the most realistic HO cars on earth. It's smoother, more consistent, and more intuitive than any car we've ever built. We wanted wheel to wheel racing, lap after lap, the feel of driving a real car. But we couldn't do it by just changing the chassis. We had to create a whole new system…

Mega G+ Race System

Made up of our new Mega G+ Chassis, Upgraded AFX120 Controllers and Exclusive Tri-Power Pack, the Mega G+ Race System is the perfect balance of grip and speed. With decades of slot car innovation and over a year of experimentation, this is the best out of the box slot car system you can buy.

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